129. My Journey so far as an STM TEE student… 12. My twelfth module - New Testament Survey

We're moving into August 2019... after about a month break ...I am on a roll.... the 12th module for me was another Core module, this time: New Testament Survey.
This time my learnings were amongst others, as follows:
1. In depth analysis of the 3 synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark and Luke
2. Studying the book of John
3. Focus on the books of Luke and Acts
4. Structural study of the letters of Paul and in-depth study of the life of Paul
My personal thoughts:
1. These basic survey courses are always good to give one an overview, a big picture view, before going into detailed study.
2. These courses, if repeated over one's life, reinforces our understanding of the Bible.
3. Overall themes can be seen when doing stuff like this....