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128. My Journey so far as an STM TEE student… 11. My eleventh module - Christian Theology 1: The Doc

Time is chugging along as we move into May 2019. I am starting another Core Module, this time on Theology and the Doctrine of God....

The study plan went somewhat like this:

1. Religion: Core beliefs and Incidentals

2. Types of Theology: Biblical, Systematic, Cultural, Contemporary, Practical, and so many more

3. The connections between the Bible, the context of the Reader and the practice of the faith

4. Doctrine of God

5. Doctrine of Scripture

6. General and Specific revelation

7. Details of Scripture

8. Inerrancy of Scripture

9. Knowing God and His attributes

10. Doctrine of the Trinity

A mixture between refresher of things already learnt plus many new insights picked up and learnt numerous new things as well.

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