124. My Journey so far as an STM TEE student… 7. My seventh module - Minor Prophets

As the curtain draws open into 2019, I started the month of January, again with a burst of momentum. After a few months of quiet to finish my assignments from last year, I'm ready to go again.
Along with the new year, comes my first elective course: Minor Prophets.
An interesting topic covering the smaller books of the Old Testament, taught by a visiting lecturer to STM....cool.
We studied Amos, Hosea, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Haggai, Joel,Malachi, Zechariah, Jonah, etc
A few things I learnt in these classes on the Minor Prophets:
1. The books were arranged according to length, not chronology;
2. Some books were difficult to pin down in terms of time frame;
3. Some were difficult to pin down the author (what?);
4. The prophets were all kinds of people being used by God....
5. They wrote for their readers, these spoke to their hearers;
6. We need to receive them today from multiple perspectives, they were not speaking to us directly... but God can be....
That's all for this module, see you again next week on the next module, that of Worship!