102. A New Year 2019: 11. My favourite resource on Board Games (and Card games etc) - The Dice Tower
Do you have a go-to place for the things you love? Where are your resources for your passion/hobby?
For my board games hobby, my go-to resource is The Dice Tower.
Click here: https://www.dicetower.com/

In here you can read all the Board Games news and stuff you need.
I also go to their YouTube page a lot too, to scout out games that interest me.

The main man in The Dice Tower is Tom Vasel.
He has 2 other guys who help him out a lot in reviews: Sam Healey and Zee Garcia.
Then there's Eric and Mandy and Suzanne, and so many more people in the Dice Tower and the Dice Tower network whom I have grown to love to watch.
Subscribe to their YouTube page and you will find many segments which are awesome!
Some examples of the segments are:
Reviews by:
and so many more stuff!