61. Public Speaking Intermediate: 9. Module 8: Giving Feedback

At work, there are always opportunities / instances when you are required to give feedback.
You may be a manager or team leader with staff reporting to you. There will be either a half yearly review session or a quarterly review session or at least an annual review session when you need to have a one to one sit down discussion with your staff / team member.
You need to listen to your subordinate or staff on his or her progress for that period under review. Then, you will need to give your feedback. Was s/he good? Bad? Excelling well? Need improvement? Usually it is a bit of everything.
The question is, how do we tell them?
1. Give them too many good points, and they may get too big headed
2. Give them too many bad points and they may get discouraged
3. Mix them up and they may get confused
4. Use bombastic words and phrases and they may get lost
5. Is there a formula to this?
When I was an active member of Toastmasters, one recommended method I learnt was the 'sandwich' method, where you start with something good, followed by a point for improvement and ending with another good point.
So, an example may go something like this:
Fred, I am glad you came to speak with me. Being open to feedback has always been one of your strong points. (Something good)
I have seen in the past week that in 3 instances, you have left out key points in your product briefs when you sent them to me. (Something to improve)
Just to let you know that with your passion in writing, you'll overcome this hurdle quite easily. (Something good)
However, for the workplace, a bit more may need to be added to the mix, hence I came up with the burger method.

The idea for this method is to allow opportunity to share more than one point of improvement at one occasion.
Try it and see. Then do it again as often as you can....