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25. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 12. Continuing the Journey…

Last week, I ended my post contemplating what I was going to do after receiving my Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) title.

As I recently left my place of employment,I could not continue my membership at the in-house club there. I was then honoured to be asked to join as a Founder member of a newly set up club called DTM Toastmasters Club. This club functions as a form of advanced club where the meeting format is quite different as it focuses more on meeting facilitation and moderation. Evaluations for speeches are also given and received at a stricter level, and hence, providing more critical feedback for improvement.

I managed to attend almost a year's worth of monthly meetings, until life caught up with me. I realised that my other priorities had to take priority (pun intended). I therefore relegated myself to a passive member of the club.

My priorities, as highlighted last week, were:

  1. Family (my second child was less than a year old and my eldest just touched three years of age)

  2. Church / Faith life (I just took on the role of Council Chairman for my church in Bangsar)

  3. Work (I just started a new job at a new place of employment a few months ago)

  4. Passion (Teaching and sharing)

I therefore realised I cannot be everywhere and everything to everyone, and I regretfully had to give up being active in Toastmasters. However, I never forgot what I have learnt while being a member, that is to serve others via teaching and public speaking.

Since early 2013 therefore, I started to apply what I have learnt so far about leadership in my church, as I strived to be a good leader as I served as the Council Chairman for the next 2 years.

On the home front, I decided to spend more evenings at home with my family, helping my wife out more with the newborn as wel as spending more time bringing up my elder girl. The hours of bonding I spent with my daughter have been and continues to be fulfilling in so many ways. I am glad I spent the time teaching and influencing her in a positive way, while also spending time at play.

At work, while my new job does not specifically include parts where public speaking can come into play, I searched for opportunities and managed to find the space and time to conduct training in my area of specialty, i.e. Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Financing of Terrorism to various parties in my office. I managed to teach new joiners as well as season staff in this area of my work.

As the years passed, life did not get any easier. I am currently in my second term as Church Council Chairman today, after taking 2 years off after my first term. I am also a daddy again for the third time.

Also, since my receipt of the DTM title, I have also switched jobs one more time since.

These changes in life keeps me on my toes as I continue to live out my passion by sharing and applying what I have learnt in my Toastmasters journey to all whom I come across in various spheres of life.

Is my journey ending? I would say a loud NO!

The journey to continuous learning and sharing continues….

End Notes: Toastmasters really helped me. It can help you too. Want to know more? Just drop me a note. Stay tuned too for next week I'll release a simple resource where I share how one can enjoy living and growing as a Toastmaster…

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