192. Time Management Series #13: Maintenance Phase

Last week we looked at the specific topic of Chat with spouse sessions
This week, we will round up and close the whole Time Management Series by looking at the Maintenance phase.
After all is said and done, the only thing left is to keep it up!
Maintenance, like any other discipline, can be one of the hardest to, well, maintain.
So what do we do for this phase? Well, on an ongoing basis, we have to: 1. Update our calendars (both physical and soft copy): a. Ad-hoc changes / updates to event details, times, dates, frequencies, venues b. Daily changes / newly identified programs or events c. Weekly reminders for things to do in the coming weeks or months or days 2. Remind ourselves periodically why we are doing this a. To have a more structured process to keep ourselves in order b. To keep ourselves on track c. To keep ourselves accountable d. To keep ourselves sane That’s all from me for this series. Hope you found it useful! Let me know if you agree or think otherwise…. Until the next post, take care and stay safe!