190. Time Management Series #11: Specific Topic (Admin Time)

Last week we looked at the specific topic of Agreed Upon Family Time
This week, we will look at the specific topic of Admin Time.
This block of time you are setting aside is to do all the admin stuff (like your office admin) for your home and family.
You set this aside once a week because there are things you definitely need to do from week to week and this is where you do them.
If you are married, you may choose to do this as a couple maybe once a month, but you definitely need to do this once a week. You might ask, do we have so much to do every week for one hour? Maybe not, and most weeks it will be less than an hour, but set it aside anyway for you should also spend time here to improve yourself if needed for your home and family. Let me show you what a typical session of admin can look like:
Pay any bills you have that is due soon and this was the allocated week to pay them (water, electricity, gas, phone, mobile, internet, streaming services, sewerage, land tax, quit rent, car insurance, life insurance, home insurance, computer software, etc)
Schedule repairs or grass cutting for your home (either you do them yourself or get people to do)
Compile any receipts you have collected for the week that may be needed for tax relief/deduction purposes
Compile any receipts you have collected for the week that may be needed for office claims
Set up grocery lists you need to purchase for the coming week, and make those online purchases too
Review your personal budget and compare with your past week/month expenditure
Review your household/family budget and compare with your past week/month expenditure
Go through old files and documents, you may be able to throw or file away some
Clean out your personal email mailbox
Declutter your home office desk
Main Idea
The main idea here is to lock in time to do the “paperwork”. Nobody likes to do this, but someone has got to do it. So if you live alone, it has to be you. If you have a family, schedule it with your spouse so an equitable process is established.
If you don’t make time for this, you will get into financial confusion after some time and you don’t know what will come after that.
1. It gets much easier once it becomes a routine…
Keep your pens and highlighters, we will move on next week….. see you then!