80. Public Speaking Advanced: 2. Why? Conclusion
Last week we were thinking about the purpose or objective of our speech. Now we want to look at the Conclusion. How should you end your...

79. Public Speaking Advanced: 1. Why? Purpose and Objective
Ah, welcome back to my public speaking series. For the next few months, I will be looking at a continuation of the journey from the...

63. Public Speaking Intermediate: 11. Module 10: On Video (Additional)
This is just a small mini module, a few thoughts on speaking while on video. When recording a video focusing directly on you, with a...

62. Public Speaking Intermediate: 10. Module 9: Master of Ceremonies (Additional)
At the workplace also, there are many opportunities to speak on stage, due to the many company events that may be held. There are Annual...

61. Public Speaking Intermediate: 9. Module 8: Giving Feedback
At work, there are always opportunities / instances when you are required to give feedback. You may be a manager or team leader with...

60. Public Speaking Intermediate: 8. Module 7: Engaging in debates
As a corporate officer / manager, there will be times when you will have to engage in discussions / disputes that may have the form of...

59. Public Speaking Intermediate: 7. Module 6: Introducing Others
Have you ever been asked to introduce someone? Either at an office event or a party, or a discussion or in a meeting? What do you say?...

58. Public Speaking Intermediate: 6. Module 5: Motivating Others
Now, in the office space, there will be times when you will be required to motivate others, especially if you lead a team or manage a...

57. Public Speaking Intermediate: 5. Module 4: Answering Questions
This week, we look at the art of answering questions….. Without being given time to prepare, in other words, impromptu speaking. How do...

56. Public Speaking Intermediate: 4. Module 3: Facilitating Discussions
Today we look at the instances when you are to lead in group discussions. This is different from leading team meetings. In these cases,...