177. What to do when staying at home? 8. Living Card Games
Living Card Games (LCGs) are made popular by Fantasy Flight Games (FFG), I believe. Unlike previous Trading Card Games (TCGs) or...

176. What to do when staying at home? 7. Mid Level Games
As the year is coming to an end, you may still be staying home with your families. Last week, I was looking at some games for beginners....

148. The Benefits of Reading: 5. Exploring supposedly academic topics
Wow time really passes fast when we focus on reading more widely. Let me encourage you to develop a greater reading scope..... you can...

147. The Benefits of Reading: 4. Learning technical topics
This week we continue looking at the benefits of reading.... now at technical knowhow. Idiot's Guides and the For Dummies Guides series...

143. Hobbies: 12. Board Games (playing)
After collecting games, of course one should be playing them.... the next part of my hobby, playing the Board Games I collected....here...

142. Hobbies: 11. Board Games (collecting)
My most current hobby is, as many will know, collecting and playing board games. If you would have noticed, when I enjoy a certain thing,...

141. Hobbies: 10. Reading Books (by topic)
This week I share about my reading hobby. A portion of my reading is topical in nature. When I am interested in a hot topic, I’ll spend...

140. Hobbies: 9. Reading Books (Study purpose)
One of the reasons why I love to read is to study... topics that I like of course, so as many of you will know, I am currently studying...

136. Hobbies: 5. iPad Games (Home Scapes)
This is my current addiction.... can you imagine? A tile matching game! Again, it is not just the simplicity of the game itself, but the...

135. Hobbies: 4. iPad Games (Clash Royale)
After the craze of Clash of Clans, I got tired of waiting, and someone introduced me to a new variant, also from SuperCell..... Clash...