143. Hobbies: 12. Board Games (playing)
After collecting games, of course one should be playing them.... the next part of my hobby, playing the Board Games I collected....here...

142. Hobbies: 11. Board Games (collecting)
My most current hobby is, as many will know, collecting and playing board games. If you would have noticed, when I enjoy a certain thing,...

131. Hmmm what should I write about now???
Hello all, it is the start of another quarter ... time to start another blog series, problem is, I'm kinda having a writing mental...

95. A New Year 2019: 4. Some places I go to play games with like-minded people
I usually play games with my son at home, but once in a while it is nice to go together and play in a fun environment with like minded...

92. A New Year 2019: 1. Sharing of a Hobby
As we begin a new year, I want to spend this first quarter of the year exploring a new topic, which is my kind of new/current hobby:...