45. Public Speaking Basics: 3 Steps to Above Average Public Speaking: 6. Basic questions to ponder:
Last week I tried to address some of the basic challenges we may face when trying to speak in public. The post ended by considering the...

44. Public Speaking Basics: 3 Steps to Above Average Public Speaking: 5. Basic questions to ponder:
Last week I recommended a few actions to help us get better in this area of public speaking. The post ended by considering the following...

43. Public Speaking Basics: 3 Steps to Above Average Public Speaking: 4. Basic questions to ponder:
Last week I suggested a few key reasons why we should improve ourselves and get better in this area of public speaking. The post ended by...

42. Public Speaking Basics: 3 Steps to Above Average Public Speaking: 3. Basic questions to ponder:
Last week I listed as many roles and responsibilities we play that may require the need for public speaking in life and at work as I...

41. Public Speaking Basics: 3 Steps to Above Average Public Speaking: 2. Basic questions to ponder:
Last week I suggested that we all can be better public speakers by just aiming to be above average, just by focusing on a few key areas,...

40. Public Speaking Basics: 3 Steps to Above Average Public Speaking: 1. Introduction and Objectives
Hello everyone! Happy New Year 2018! Welcome to the 4th series of my weekly blog posts here at my website: www.johncheah.my My 1st series...

39. Finances 101: 10 Perspectives - From my point of view. 13. Budgeting... a resource for you
Dear readers, thank you for following me on my journey in personal finances so far. As we approach the end of 2017, it is the best time...

38. Finances 101: 10 Perspectives - From my point of view. 12. Budgeting... a start
Now that we have set our priorities, how do we begin to do what we need to do? My recommendation is to start by tracking what we are...

37. Finances 101: 10 Perspectives - From my point of view. 11. Five Perspectives: Financial Goals. G
The past few weeks were spent talking about the main values I hold when it comes to finances and the goals I aim to achieve. Which do we...

36. Finances 101: 10 Perspectives - From my point of view. 10. Five Perspectives: Financial Goals. G
You might be thinking, where's the investing part in all this? Coming! The reason for being put lower on my list is because I am kind of...