24. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 11. Distinguished Toastmaster! At last?
After 5 and a half years, from April 2007 to October 2012, I have finally reached one of the main goals of a Toastmaster, the...

23. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 10. My Journey in Serving Others - Mentors
One of the requirements in achieving the Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) qualification is to be a MENTOR to a CLUB for a season (min of 6...

22. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 9. Self improvement as a Leader
While my journey into the Advanced Communication Manual goes on, I decided to also look at achieving my Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB), and...

21. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 8. Self improvement as a Communicator
Now with any journey that starts out at the basics, for improvement purposes, we should not be languishing at the basics. Toastmasters'...

19. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 6. Highlights - Contests
In the midst of playing roles in your club meetings, or preparing and delivering speeches as a new member, one will walk right into…....

18. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 5. My journey continues - Competent Leader
Last week I shared about the speeches portion of the Toastmaster journey using the Competent Communication (CC) manual. While that is the...

17. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 4. My journey starts here - Competent Comm
The Competent Communication Manual (CC) is the basic manual for every member, no matter how experienced a speaker you may be. At first, I...

16. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 3. First Impressions - Joining a Club
Last week, I shared about my first visit at a Toastmasters Club meeting. That was in February 2007. By April, I became a member of that...

15. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 2. Love at first sight - Toastmasters!
Last week I shared my personal journey in realising that there is something in this public speaking thing, and that I really want to get...

14. A new series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 1. How it all began - Dreams and Challenge
Today I start a personal chronicle of my journey in public speaking. Who I am today and going forward, started off many years ago when I...