118. My Journey so far as an STM TEE student… 1. Intro: Why I started …
It was the end of 2017…. I was reflecting on my personal growth in my faith life, and I was wondering, "Where do I go from here?" I...

28. Finances 101: 10 Perspectives - From my point of view. 2. Five Perspectives: Values. Value #1: T
Last week, in my first post, I wrote a bit about the major goals and principles I set for myself as a guide to help me along the way when...

27. Finances 101: 10 Perspectives - From my point of view. 1. My Objectives and Goals
Hello everyone! Welcome to the 3rd series of my weekly blog posts here at my website: www.johncheah.my My 1st series touched on...

26. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 13. A Final Resource
This week, to end the 3 month series on my personal journey in public speaking, via the Toastmasters movement, I prepared a small booklet...

25. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 12. Continuing the Journey…
Last week, I ended my post contemplating what I was going to do after receiving my Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) title. As I recently...

24. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 11. Distinguished Toastmaster! At last?
After 5 and a half years, from April 2007 to October 2012, I have finally reached one of the main goals of a Toastmaster, the...

23. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 10. My Journey in Serving Others - Mentors
One of the requirements in achieving the Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) qualification is to be a MENTOR to a CLUB for a season (min of 6...

22. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 9. Self improvement as a Leader
While my journey into the Advanced Communication Manual goes on, I decided to also look at achieving my Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB), and...

21. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 8. Self improvement as a Communicator
Now with any journey that starts out at the basics, for improvement purposes, we should not be languishing at the basics. Toastmasters'...

19. A New Series: My Personal Journey in Public Speaking: 6. Highlights - Contests
In the midst of playing roles in your club meetings, or preparing and delivering speeches as a new member, one will walk right into…....