108. Training a Trainer (Learnings): 4. The Teaching Mindset
My weekly posts this quarter continues with looking at mindsets of a trainer or teacher. I mentioned the Learning Mindset and the Sharing...

107. Training a Trainer (Learnings): 3. The Sharing Mindset
Today we continue my learning series about the mindset of a trainer. As Teachers, on top of a Learning Mindset (covered last week), we...

106. Training a Trainer (Learnings): 2. The Learning Mindset
My learnings as I taught a Train the Trainer session can be broken into three parts: 1. Mindset 2. Content 3. Delivery Today, I look...

105. Training a Trainer (Learnings): 1. After 2 years...
Today marks the start of Year 3 of this page and the accompanying blog/website. In the blink of an eye, 2 years have passed. That means I...